

Engage in activities and spend some time in nature.
There is plenty to do year round, for adults and children alike, as there are many interesting places to see and things to experience in the surrounding areas.

  • Summer activities: Cycling: bicycles for rent Badminton and volleyball fields
  • For children: A common playhouse and a swing
  • The Kolovesi national park: Canoeing, hiking and fishing in the nearby national park
  • The picking of berries and mushrooms in late summer and early autumn

  • Fishing: Fish in Lake Kaitajärvi and other nearby waters. You may hire fishing equipment from us. If you wish, we can provide you with fishing advice and organise fishing trips. We also sell fishing permits.

  • Cross-country skiing: Ski trails in the nearby woods, on the ice and by the ski slope
  • Winter fishing: Fishing with nets and salmon jigging
  •  Downhill skiing: Ski slope 5 kilometres away
  • Winter swimming
  • Kick sledding Snowmobiling: A connection to snowmobile routes, we rent out a snowmobile
  • Snowshoe hiking: We rent out snowshoes

The nearby region

For those interested in culture and sightseeing there are many places of interest within an hour’s drive:

Lomavouti Cottages

Lomavouti, Pirttimäentie 653, FI-58300 Savonranta (Savonlinna)
Phone: +358 40 7682 560    email: myynti(at)
N=6898819.949, E=610465.837